Spring Financial is a financial company that is based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The company was founded in the fall of 2014. It is a subsidiary of Canada Drivers, which is an auto financing company that is based in Canada. The company was founded because the founders saw the decline of approved credit for Canadians. They also noticed the high-interest rates that were being charged for individuals with less-than-perfect credit. The Chief Executive Officer is Michael Galpin. The Director is Cody Green. The Customer Relations Manager is Laura Marchand. Spring Financial is currently only available to customers who are in Canada.
If you are looking for a way to build your positive payment history to ultimately improve your credit, you should consider signing up with Spring Financial. You will have a better chance to qualify for car loans, mortgages, lower interest rates, and credit cards. When you sign up, you will be loaned an amount of money. This money will not be accessible but will be held in a savings account. Each month when you’re paying back the loan, you will not only be saved but you will be building a positive paying history. This will be reported to your credit report. At the end of the loan term, you will be able to cash out on the savings amount and have a better credit profile. This will help you with further investments, such as a car loan, mortgage, debt consolidation, or even a well-deserved vacation.
If at any point you would like to cancel, you are able to do so. We have included a cancellation guide on this page for you to follow to easily cancel your Spring Financial account.
Spring Financial CANCEL GUIDES
Get together the following account information:
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Email Address
Billing Address
ZIP/Postal Code
Reason for Cancellation
Last 4 Digits of Card
Date of Last Charge
Amount of Last Charge
Phone (Live Agent)
Follow these steps:
Contact customer service at 1-888-781-8439
Advise the rep that you need to cancel
Give the rep your account info
Be sure to get a confirmation number or email for the cancellation
Be sure to keep the email and/or confirmation info about the cancellation