Craigslist is one of the world’s largest classified websites. It was founded in the mid-1990s by Craig Newmark. Craigslist was first only intended for people living in the San Francisco Bay area. But today, the website is available in over 570 cities in over 70 countries. Craigslist is privately owned and located in San Francisco, California. The website is available in multiple languages, including English, French, German, Dutch, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese. The Chief Executive Officer of Craigslist is Jim Buckmaster.
There are various sections on Craigslist. The Community Section includes activities, classes, events, groups, local news, lost and found, rideshare, volunteers, politics, rants and raves, and more. The Services section includes services that are offered by local businesses and include computer services, household services, small business services, legal services, labor services, travel services, financial services, creative services, and many more types of services. The Housing section includes available housing in your area. This includes apartments, room-shares, office properties, commercial properties, and single-family housing. The For Sale category allows you to buy and sell items to local people. You can sell clothing, shoes, accessories, antiques, children’s items, furniture, appliances, electronics, heavy equipment, and cars. You will have to meet the person in person to buy and/or sell your items. The Discussion forums include various topics that are discussed between other members. Topics include television and film, gaming, politics, science, religion, parenting, music, money, and relationships. The Jobs section is one of the largest sections on Craigslist. You can find jobs in retail, office, labor, sales, security, admin, writing, teaching, and more. The Gigs section includes temporary and part-time positions. You can post your resume in the Jobs section so that human resource managers and recruiters can browse your experience.
It is free to search and respond to Craigslist postings. It is optional to create an account. It is free to post on Craigslist, except for posting job and gig ads. Job and gig ads incur a fee, with the pricing ranging from $7-$75. The exact amount depends on the location and size of the city. The bigger the city, the higher the posting fee. You will need a Craigslist account to post jobs and keep up with your postings. Your postings will be accessible on your account dashboard. You will be able to edit and renew your ads from the job boards. If you would like to cancel your Craigslist account, follow the cancellation instructions below.
Get together the following account information:
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Email Address
Reason for Cancellation
Follow these steps:
In a browser, goto
Get logged in with username and password
In a browser, goto
Advise the rep that you need to cancel within the body of the email
Now enter your information
Be sure to keep the email and/or confirmation info about the cancellation when received back from Craigslist
NOTE: This method has reportedly worked for some people, but others report no action taken by craigslist.