


Buffer lets users create and share social media posts on a schedule created by them. Learn how to cancel a Buffer account.

First, get together the following pieces of information, you will need them in order to cancel.

First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Email Address
Billing Address
ZIP/Postal Code
Reason for Cancellation
Last 4 Digits of Card
Date of Last Charge
Amount of Last Charge

Next, use one of the following contact methods and steps to complete your cancellation.

Cancel by E-Mail

  1. Compose an email including your account details
  2. Advise the rep that you need to cancel
  3. Be sure to get a confirmation number or email for the cancellation
  4. Address and send the email to [email protected]

Company Information

Address 1: 2443 Fillmore Street
Address 2: #380-7163
City: San Francisco
State/Province/Region: CA
Zip/Postal Code: 94115
Country: US
Email 1: [email protected]
Twitter Url: https://twitter.com/buffer
Facebook Url: https://www.facebook.com/bufferapp
Main Site Url: https://buffer.com/
Help Site Url: https://faq.buffer.com/
Terms Of Service Url: https://buffer.com/legal#terms
Privacy Policy Url: https://buffer.com/legal#privacy-policy

Billing Descriptors

A billing descriptor is the description of transactions that appear on your credit card statement. They are meant to help you positively identify your card transactions by including information about the date of each payment and the company from which it was purchased. These descriptors are associated with Buffer