
CafeMom is also known as

  • CafeMom
  • Wild Sky Media

About CafeMom

There has been social networking for as long as there have been mothers. Throughout history, groups of women have gathered to share parenting advice and support, as well as to maintain a safe and comfortable home. Prior to the Internet, extended families, neighborhood friends, and some organized local meetings served as social networks for moms. Moms are now joining online communities to get advice and support that extends far beyond their local community, rather than just gathering at the neighbor’s house or the coffee shop. CafeMom is one of several social networking sites for mothers and mothers-to-be. You can read articles, blogs, and advice on topics other than motherhood and homemaking at CafeMom. You can also sign up for free to ask questions, post advice, or create a blog or photo gallery. As an added bonus, you can choose to receive free products from sponsors in exchange for discussing the product at CafeMom. CafeMom’s marketing engine is CMI Marketing. Andrew Shue, Meredith Viera, and others founded CMI in 1999 to support the newly launched ClubMom featured blogs, articles, and message boards, and its sponsors were prominently displayed with a special purchase rewards program. Between March and May of 2007, CMI discontinued the ClubMom affiliate program to focus on site improvements, and then launched its new CafeMom affiliate program, redirecting its efforts there. Shue and CMI Marketing CEO Michael Sanchez described the new site as a “no dads allowed” space for moms to connect and help one another. Unlike other social networking sites, CafeMom takes a unique approach to advertising. Shue describes CafeMom as a “Tupperware party on steroids,” describing how moms can interact with sponsors’ products and then market to one another via product reviews. Moms regard the reviews as genuine because they are from real people discussing real experiences and expressing a variety of opinions. When asked if negative reviews were an issue, Sanchez stated that the company ensures that its sponsors produce high-quality products. As a result, approximately 90% of the reviews are positive. With this new marketing strategy, CafeMom can display fewer, smaller ads and some sponsored mom-centric widgets without crowding out the moms as the site’s focus. CafeMom can be used in two ways: as an information resource and for social networking. You can browse the site or enter search criteria to find posts and articles as a resource. The Daily Buzz tab includes articles from five professional bloggers on pregnancy, parenting, and living a healthy lifestyle. Browse the Answers tab for questions and answers, or the Groups tab for discussion about specific interests, to view the chats between community members. You can even vote in online polls from the Polls tab without registering. To contribute content to CafeMom, you must first sign up, as with many other social networking sites. To join, click the sign-up link at the top and fill out a simple form with your name, e-mail address, and birth date. You must also accept the Terms of Service, which state that users must be at least 16 years old and explain your privacy options. CafeMom sends your new screen name and password to the email address you provide right away. You can begin customizing your CafeMom experience as soon as you sign up. You can change the theme of your site, as well as the content and layout of your home page. You can include information about your children or pregnancy in your profile, and you can choose to receive free products for review from sponsors. You can also hide information from specific users for privacy reasons by adjusting the security levels for that information. CafeMom’s advantages stem from the fact that it caters to moms and moms-to-be. CafeMom provides features similar to other social networking Web sites but with a focus on moms and site features that bring them together. Moms can express their concerns, joys, and frustrations through questions, journal posts, and discussion groups. Furthermore, with well-known sponsors on board, the company behind CafeMom is perceived as offering established, reputable, and safe online communities for moms. Aside from discussions about motherhood and family, another advantage for CafeMom members are the online friendships and groups that reflect other common interests. Assume you’re a new mother trying to decide which car seat is best for your child. You could begin by searching CafeMom for articles and product reviews. Then you can join the site and ask a question about a specific car seat that has received mixed reviews, hoping to get feedback from users about their personal experiences with it in a specific vehicle, such as a Toyota Prius. When another mom responds, you could start a conversation about hybrid cars, carbon emissions, environmental improvement, or your cousin who works for Toyota. You may discover a CafeMom discussion group about ways to conserve natural resources, or you may simply make a new online friend to follow and socialize with at CafeMom. Some online pals choose to become offline pals as well. CafeMom’s competitors, according to CEO Michael Sanchez, are larger social networking sites such as MySpace and Facebook. These sites have some features for moms, but they don’t appear to be as safe or as focused on what moms require. A Google search for online mom networks yields millions of results, ranging from small privately run communities to mom-focused groups within larger social network sites. Some websites, such as, have purchased advertisements to increase their visibility in these searches. Aside from competing for visibility, the sites do not appear to be in direct competition, instead offering a unique user experience.


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  • Date of Last Charge
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Phone (Live Agent)

Follow these steps:

  1. Contact customer service at (646) 435-6500
  2. Advise the rep that you need to cancel
  3. Be sure to get a confirmation number or email for the cancellation
  4. Make sure that you won’t be charged again
  5. Be sure to keep the email and/or confirmation info about the cancellation


Follow these steps:

  1. Address and send the email to [email protected]
  2. Compose an email requesting cancellation, for a confirmation number and final billing details

Web Form

Follow these steps:

  1. In a browser, goto
  2. Now enter your information
  3. Request cancellation in comments box
  4. Pick the option labeled submit


Address Information
Address 16400 Congress Ave
Address 2Suite 2050
CityBoca Raton
Zip/Postal Code33487
Contact Information
Phone 1(646) 435-6500
Email 1[email protected]
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Email 2[email protected]
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Email 3[email protected]
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