
Discsplay is also known as

  • Discsplay

About Discsplay

Discsplay is an online content streaming site offering various on-demand items for streaming. The site is operated by a company called Digital Spread LLC which has its headquarters in Miami, FL. The site offers digital novels, music streaming, newly released movies, and television shows, and its primary offering is online games on demand. The site says it offers over 1600 games that users can access and play as much as they want. There is a free account option that allows customers to access content for a per-use charge which depends on which content you choose to access but has no monthly recurring charges. A free trial for the unlimited content premium account is also available which provides a new customer with 5 days of access for free. If not canceled, this free trial account will automatically convert to a regular paid premium membership to the site. Premium memberships are charged $34.95 per month regularly every 30 days. These memberships automatically renew every month to ensure continued access to the content without any action required by the customer until canceled manually. Cancelling your premium membership can be done at any point since the site does not require a minimum commitment and cancelling your premium membership will revert your account to the free account status so you can still access content on a per-item or per-use charge basis. More information can be found below to help you if you wish to cancel a premium paid membership to discsplay.com


Get together the following account information:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Phone Number
  • Email Address
  • Username
  • Password
  • Billing Address
  • City
  • State/Province/Region
  • ZIP/Postal Code
  • Country
  • Reason for Cancellation
  • First 4 Digits of Card
  • Last 4 Digits of Card
  • Date of Last Charge
  • Amount of Last Charge

Phone (Live Agent)

Follow these steps:

  1. Contact customer service at 1-888-983-0264
  2. In the phone system choose 1 and then option 4
  3. Advise the rep that you need to cancel
  4. Make sure that you won’t be charged again
  5. Be sure to get a confirmation number or email for the cancellation
  6. Be sure to keep the email and/or confirmation info about the cancellation

Web Chat

Follow these steps:

  1. In a browser, goto https://support.discsplay.com/en-us
  2. Pick the option labeled Start Live Chat
  3. Advise the rep that you need to cancel
  4. Be sure to get a confirmation number or email for the cancellation
  5. Make sure that you won’t be charged again
  6. Be sure to keep the email and/or confirmation info about the cancellation

Web Form

Follow these steps:

  1. In a browser, goto https://support.discsplay.com/en-us/requests
  2. Now enter your information
  3. Request cancellation in description box
  4. Pick the option labeled submit

MORE ABOUT Discsplay

Address 1333 SE 2nd Avenue
Address 2Suite 2000
Zip/Postal Code33131
CountryUnited States
Contact Information
Phone 11-888-983-0264
Phone 21-646-328-5024
Twitter Urlhttps://twitter.com/discsplay
Help Site Urlhttps://support.discsplay.com/en-us
Facebook Urlhttps://www.facebook.com/pg/Discsplay-961898900517317/about/
Web Chat Urlhttps://support.discsplay.com/en-us
Main Site Urlhttps://www.discsplay.com
Contact Form Urlhttps://support.discsplay.com/en-us/requests
Terms Of Service Urlhttps://www.discsplay.com/terms
Privacy Policy Urlhttps://www.discsplay.com/privacy

Known Discsplay charges

  • Discsplay