
If you’re having trouble cancelling on your own, you can also try this online cancellation service:

AproSupport is a third party billing company. AproSupport and the related service EPOCH, both provide services and billing processing for various sites primarily in the adult entertainment and pornography sector. Sites such as bangbros.com use AproSupport to manage their billing and provide some level of privacy and anonymity for their customers. EPOCH and AproSupport are linked and some sites may use either name as part of their billing depending on various factors including your location. Billing rates will vary with AproSupport from the consumer side depending on which site the customer is a member of as sites set their own billing rates. Cancellations can be handled via either the customer service contact information for AproSupport by phone or by email, but may also be handled directly through the original site where you signed up for the membership. Your login information, as well as charge information and the name of the site in question, may be needed in order to cancel, so it will be necessary to know which site the charges are originating from. Refund policy and renewals are set by the individual sites as well but most sites do automatically renew unless cancelled. You may cancel the membership at any time but this may mean forfeiting time that has been paid for depending on the policies of the site that you are signed up with originally. More information on how to contact AproSupport in order to cancel a membership being charged through their services can be found below should you wish to end your membership.

First, get together the following pieces of information, you will need them in order to cancel.
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Email Address
Billing Address
ZIP/Postal Code
Reason for Cancellation
First 6 and Last 4 digits of the Credit you are being charged on
Date of Last Charge
Amount of Last Charge
Next, use one of the following contact methods and steps to complete your cancellation.
Cancel by Phone (Live Agent)
  1. Contact customer service at 877-731-6065
  2. Advise the rep that you need to cancel
  3. Request a refund, it never hurts to ask
  4. Give the rep your account info
  5. Be sure to get a confirmation number or email for the cancellation
  6. Be sure to keep the email and/or confirmation info about the cancellation
Company Information
Phone 1: 1-(877) 792-0113
Phone 2: 1-(661)-621-9047
Phone 3: 1-(877)-731-6065
Email 1: [email protected]
Main Site Url: http://aprosupport.com/
Help Site Url: http://aprosupport.com/